Fascia is often explained in vague descriptions. It is a very important system in our body that gets overlooked. It is a system that has a connection to our entire system. Collagen makes up most of the fascia. Fascia connects all connective tissues such as the muscles, bones, and tendons. Even the ligaments and blood. It holds together our entire body. It is flexible and supple when healthy. It allows our body to move without pain. Understanding everything about fascia can give you great gains in your health.
Benefits of healthy fascia
- Better body symmetry and alignment
- Faster exercise recovery because of increased blood flow
- Stretch marks and cellulite appears less
- Scar tissue breakdown
- Lower risk of injury
- Less day-to-day pain
- Sports performance improved
Healthy supple and hydrated fascia increases permeability. It means the flow of fluids through your body is also increased. This equals to good health.
Causes of unhealthy fascia
Unhealthy fascia is sticky, clumpy, and tight. It is flaky and forms restrictions, adhesions, and distortions.
- Inactive lifestyle
- Poor posture
- Dehydration
- Overuse or injury of muscles
- Unhealthy eating habits
- Bad sleep quality
- Stress
Unhealthy fascia can also lead to muffled or muted signals from the nerve endings. You might feel uncomfortable in your own body. Or your brain interprets the signals as pain and discomfort.
Your body is grown from a single cell. It is not glued together in parts but all your body parts grew up together within the glue. It is not good when the fibers are dense and the mucous is dry. The fascial web allows molecules to flow through it less. The exchange of goods from capillaries to cells is a two-way street. Cells deliver messenger molecules, CO2, and other waste products back into the bloodstream. A hardened fascial network traps unprocessed cell products such as toxins or metabolites. Tight fascia is often due to hunched posture, poor mobility, and injury. As well as lack of flexibility and strength. Also, feelings of discomfort, cellulite, and lack of body symmetry.
You can keep your fascia healthy by doing Yin Yoga. You can do stretching and hold it for at least 30 seconds a day if you are unable to go to a class. The benefits are like that of a myofascial massage. Exercise and cryotherapy also helps. Agility training and cardio workouts are best for fascia. A cold shower will reduce inflammation in the body and improve circulation. Visiting the sauna is also a good idea. Using fascia blasting tools is one of the most common methods nowadays. TheĀ FASCIABLASTER is popular for keeping the fascia healthy. No matter what option you choose, do not forget to drink more water. At least a liter for every 22kg of your body weight. Keep hydrated.