How To Hack Instagram Password for Free

Instagram is one of the most popular social media networks today. Statistics from Omnicore Agency reveal that as of December 2017, there are 700 million monthly active Instagram users and 500 million daily Instagram users. But just like any other social media accounts, it can be the target of Instagram password hacker. If you have an Instagram account, hackers can use different techniques to hack your password and access your account in the process. Here are some of the methods they can use:
Forgot password method
This is one of the simplest ways an Instagram password hacker can hack your Instagram password. Here are the steps in this method:
- Open the Instagram app
- Click Add account
- On the login page, enter your desired username. Since you do not know the password, tap “Get help signing in.”
- Choose the SMS option and enter mobile number
- You will then get a link to reset password on your mobile phone
- Click the link for changing password
- Type new password and confirm it
Once the account opens, it means you have successfully hacked an account
Instagram password finder
Apps for finding a password do not require downloading or purchasing. One of the most secured spying applications is mSpy. Here are the steps for hacking an Instagram password using mSpy.
- Go to and register
- You will get a confirmation email and a link to the control panel of mSpy. In addition, you will also receive login details.
- From there, you can easily access the account from the control panel
- Access the features to view photos and messages
- With the application, you can have access to every keystroke typed by the target. You will also have access to the password which you can use to monitor the Instagram account of your target without their knowledge.
Hack password using Spyzie
Spyzie is a reliable Instagram password hacking application. It has a keylogger facility where you can access information to every key typed by the target in your computer. Here are the steps for hacking Instagram password using Spyzie
- Register for an account with
- Check your email for a confirmation mail to the links to the control panel and log-in details as well.
- Once installed on your target’s phone. After successful installation, you can access the target’s phone from the control panel.
- Access the keylogger option to procure information about the keywords used by your target. When your target accesses Instagram, you will be notified promptly. You can use the password to access their account from your vomputer